Analyze Color Features on Image Processing.
There are various ways to recognize an image. One of the techniques that can be used in image processing are three basic features in the image, namely color, shape, and texture. Different imagery will have different color, shape, and texture features. In this experiment we will discuss one by one feature and how the three features can recognize the image. Color Features Color can distinguish objects in the image. Technically, color is a particular spectrum contained in a perfect light (white). Color is formed from a collection of waves with wavelengths of some basic elements of color. The way the presentation of a mixture of basic elements of color to produce a color is called the color space or color space. There are several kinds of color space in image processing, ie RGB, RG, Normalized RGB, HSV, CIE, CMYK, YCrb, HSL, and TSL. From the several kinds of color space already mentioned, the most often we hear is RGB (Red Green Blue). Based on the RGB value, we can know the values ...