7 Layer OSI

The Seven OSI Layer

7 OSI Layer is a network architectural model developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) body in Europe in 1977. OSI has an extension, namely: Open System Inter Connection which is a collection of Layers that are not interdependent but are related to each other Others, the intent of the statement is that each Layer already has their respective Duties and Responsibilities and Mutual Fill each other, and the same as a Group cooperation.

Seven OSI Layer has 2 levels layer

Function of each Layer

  1. Physical Layers : Functions for determining network transmission media, signaling methods, bit synchronization, network architecture, network topology and cabling. Devices that can be connected with the Physical layer are the NIC (Network Interface Card) and the cables.
  2. DataLink Layer : This works to determine how data bits are grouped into a format called frames. In this Layer there are error correction, flow control, hardware addressing like MAC Address, and determine how network devices such as HUB, Bridge, Repeater, and Switch layer 2 (Switch un-manage) operate. The IEEE 802 specification divides the Layer into two child layers, the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer and the Media Access Control (MAC) layer.
  3. Network Layer : Function to specify IP addresses, create headers for packets, and then routing through internetworking using Router and Switch layer-3 (Switch Manage).
  4. Transport Layer : The function for breaking data into data packets and assigning consecutive numbers to packets so that they can be reset on the destination side once received. In addition, this layer also creates a sign that the packet has been received (acknowledgment), and retransmits the lost packet in the middle of the path.
  5. Session Layers : Functions to determine how connections can be made, maintained, or destroyed. In addition, on this layer is also done name resolution.
  6. Presentation Layer : Works to translate data the application wants to send into a format that can be sent over the network. The protocols in this Layer are redirector software, such as the Workstation service (in Windows NT) and also the Network shell (such as Virtual Network Computing (VNC) or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)).
  7. Application Layer : Works as an interface with applications with network functionality, regulates how applications can access the network, and then creates an error message. The protocols in this layer are HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and NFS.


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