Things To Do Aflter Install Linux

After successfully installing Linux, you are actually required to update Linux system files. But it can be done as you wish, when, where, is up to you.

1. Check For Update

Now that we've added all those new sources, even if they've already popped up of their own accord.
sudo apt-get update

2. Upgrade Packages

Now that we have finished adding things to get updates from and secured them, it's time to update what you already have.

sudo apt-get upgrade

3. Major Upgrades

Some updates are bigger than others. This command is for the huge ones.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

4. install the media player

Some linux distro already installed media player but less than maximum. So install some of these media players.

sudo apt-get install smplayer vlc

So when you are connected to the internet, do not forget to run the above command. But if it's not done it's okay, it all depends on you.


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