Understanding Protocol and Standard in Networking : Part 2 - What is standard ?

Understanding Protocol and Standard in Networking :
Part 2 - What is standard  ?

A standard is an agreed protocol. In the early days of computer networking, each computer manufacturer built its own network protocol. As a result, you will not be able to connect equipment that comes from different manufacturers in one network.

Then comes the standard to save us from such an event. Standard is the definition of a protocol used by many other industries but not tied to a particular manufacturer. Given the standards, we all use network tools from different manufacturers on one network. As long as the tools are used to implement standard protocols, they can communicate with each other.

Many organizations are involved in setting standards on the network. But there are five organizations that are important :
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI): The official standardization organization that exists in the United States.
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): An international organization that announces several standards on the network. In particular, the official standard of internet network systems (known as IEEE 802.3). IEEE is pronounced as I triple E.
  • International Organization for Standarization (ISO): a federation that houses more than 100 standards-setting organizations around the world. Maybe you think why abbreviation of International Organization for Standarization is ISO not IOS. Well the reasson is It follows from the grammar of french language.
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): The organization responsible for existing protocols on the internet.
  • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): is an international organization that handles the standards of development of the World Wide Web (WWW). In addition the organization also provides tutorials on web programming such as PHP, HTML, CSS, and others

Below is a list of the above five organizations and their web site. Here:

American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
International Organization for Standarization (ISO)
Internet Enginering Task Force (IETF)
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)


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