What is Java ?

What is Java ? 

Java is a programming language as well as a platform. And java is a high level programming language, powerful (for java error), safe. Then what is platform? Platform is a hardware or software environment where the program runs. Java has its own Java Runtime Environment platform.

Below is an example listing code in java. Just an example, an explanation of what is meant in the coding below will be explained in the next post.

Then the question, where can we use java? Based on the explanation from Sun, there are 3 billion devices that can run java. So java is used in many devices, for example its use like this:

  1. Desktop application like acrobat reader, media player, anti virus , and so on
  2. Web application like javapoint.com 
  3. Enterprise application or can be said an application whish is used by big company
  4. Mobile like Android
  5. Embedded System
  6. Smart card 
  7. Robotic
  8. Game ,and so on
There are 4 main types of applications that can be created with the java language programming language (of course there are other type apps can be produced than this four):
Standalone alone application can also be said as a desktop application or application with windows(not OS windows). We often use this application, install instances such as media player, antivirus, and others. To create a standalone application requires AWT and Swing.
Web Applications. It is an application that runs on the server side and creates dynamic pages. Currently examples of technologies used to create web applications with java are servlet, jsp, struts, and others
Enterprise Applications. As I explained earlier that this type of application is intended for applications used in large companies. To make this application required java EE platform that has been designed to help developers in making applications that are large scale, multi-tier, and reliable. Therefore, this enterprise application is designed to solve the problems that exist in the company.
Mobile Application. Is the type of application that is intended for mobile devices. Currently android and Java ME are used to create mobile apps.


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