What is Web Server ?

A Web server is a software that provides access services to users via HTTP or HTTPS communication protocols over files contained on a website, users use certain applications in the form of web browsers in making requests. The results of requests for web pages are generally in the form of HTML documents.

The Web began in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee through CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) proposed a project aimed at facilitating the exchange of information among researchers using a hypertext system. As a result of the implementation of this project, in 1990 Berners-Lee wrote two computer programs:
  • The world's first web server, which came to be known as CERN httpd, which runs on the NeXTSTEP operating system.
  • A browser he named WorldWideWeb;

In 1994, Tim Berners-Lee decided to standardize the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) organization to organize advanced developments on other related technologies (HTTP, HTML, etc.) through the standardization process.

The primary function of a web server is to transfer files at the request of a user through a predefined communication protocol. Because a web page can consist of text files, images, video, and other web server utilization functions also to transfer all aspects of filing in a related web page; Including text, images, videos, or etc.

Users, usually through a web browser application, request services for files or web pages contained on a web server, then the server as the service manager responds back by sending the required pages and supporting files, or denying the request if the requested page not available.

Now generally web server has been equipped with a script language translator engine that allows web servers to provide dynamic website services by utilizing additional libraries such as PHP, ASP. The current use of web servers is not limited to website publishing, in practice many web servers are also used in other hardware such as printers, routers, web cameras that provide http service access in a local network intended to provide management tools and facilitate review Over the hardware

There are several example of web server like below :
  • Apache Web Server – HTTP Web Server
  • Apache Tomcat
  • Microsoft windows Server 2003 Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Lighttpd
  • Sun Java System Web Server
  • Xitami Web Server
  • Zeus Web Server

Broadly speaking, the existing system on the web system can be described as follows:
On the server side, there are several components as follows:
  • Web server, useful to provide services to web client.
  • Web application, is an additional program that exists on the web server that makes the web view can be dynamic. Some applications are used like perl, asp, jsp and php. In addition web application also serves as a liaison and data taker to the database client request. In the web application known term server side scripting and client side scripting. Server side scripting is the code that is located on the server run by the server, the example of the server side eg is php. While client side scripting is the program code placed on the client side run by the browser on the client. Examples are javascript, applet, jscript and vbscripts.
  • DB, is a database that is prepared as a place of data if needed.

On the client side there are the following applications:
  • Web client, is a browser must be able to translate what is sent from the server and displayed to the user usually in the form of GUI.
Question & Answer
Q : What is the function / usefulness of the web server?
A : The main function of the web server is to transfer or move files requested by the user through a predefined communication protocol. Because in a single web page usually consists of various types of files such as pictures, video, text, audio, files and so on, the use of web server also functions to transfer the entire aspect of the screening in the page, including text, images, video, audio , Files and so on.

Q : Mention the package needed to install and configure the web server?
A :Apache2, php5, phpmyadmin, Mysql-server, lynx, nmap


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