Operating System for Noob

OS Overview
An interface between user/human and computer's hardware is called Operating System (OS). This computer in here is not only PC but also mobile or smartphone. An operating system is a product which plays out all the fundamental functions like manage files, memories, and processes; manage with input and output, and controlling peripheral devices which gives additional input/yield (I/O) capacities for a PC and fills in as an assistant PC device, for example, printers, mouse, scanner, webcam, etc. 

Some prevalent Operating Systems consist of  Linux, Windows, MacOS, OpenVMS, IBM I, AIX, z/OS, and so forth.

Let me introduce a little bit some well-known OS which I have mentioned so it can broaden your knowledge :

Image : Linux Logo

Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems worked around the Linux kernel. Linux was initially created for PCs used as basis on the Intel x86 architecture, however it has since been implemented to a larger number of platform than any other operating system. The Linux kernel is a free and open-source rigid Unix-like computer operating system kernel. The Linux family of operating systems depends on this kernel and conveyed on both conventional computer systems, for example, PCs and servers; and on different installed devices, for example, switches, routers, wireless access point(AP), PBXes, NAS appliances, FTA receivers, smart TVs, PVRs, and set-top boxes . The Android operating system for tablet computer,  smartphones, and smartwatches utilizes utility given by the Linux kernel to actualize its usefulness.

Image : The legendary Windows XP Logo

Windows is a assembly of a few graphical operating system families, which are all created, showcased, and sold by Microsoft. Every family takes into account a specific area of the processing business. Including the foremost graphical user interface (GUI) for IBM congruent PCs, the Windows OS before long commanded the PC showcase. Around 90 percent of PCs run some form of Windows. This is the reason why there are so many computer virus attack windows PCs.
Image : MacOS Logo

MacOS which  previously Mac OS X and later OS X is a series of graphical operating systems developed and marketed by Apple Inc. I’ll not dive into further for mac although it is so famous. Because I’ll discuss it further in future post.
Image : OpenVMS’s interface

OpenVMS is not an open-source rather its is a registered computer operating system for use all-purpose computing. The name VMS is gotten from Virtual Memory System, as indicated by one of its main architecture features. OpenVMS is a restrictive operating system, however source codes are accessible to pay for.
Image : IBMi’s logo

IBM i is an OS that runs on IBM Power Systems which is is IBM's Power Architecture-based server line and on IBM PureSystems which  is an IBM product line of factory pre-configured components togather with servers. It was named OS/400 when it was presented with the AS/400 line of PC systems in 1988, was later renamed to i5/OS, and was renamed to IBM i in 2008 when the IBM Power Systems were presented.
Image : AIX’s logo

AIX is the abbreviation for Advanced Interactive eXecutive. AIX based on UNIX System V is a series of proprietary or  registered Unix operating systems developed and put up for sale by IBM for a few of its computer platforms
Image : z/OS’s interface

z/OS is a 64-bit operating system for IBM mainframes, manufactured by IBM. It derives from OS/390, which in turn followed a string of MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) versions.
As I said before that an operating system is actually a program that behave like an interface amidst the user and the computer hardware also administers or controls the execution of all kinds of programs. Following are some of important functions of an operating System : 

Memory Management

Memory management alludes to management of Primary Memory or Main Memory. Primary memory is a huge cluster of words or bytes where each word or byte has its own location or address.

Primary memory gives a quick storage that can be gotten to specifically by the central processing unit (CPU). For a program to be executed, it should in the primary memory.

The memory manager executes virtual memory, gives a center arrangement of functions, for example, memory mapped files, copy-on-write memory, massive memory bolster, and fundamental bolster for cache manager. 

In Windows OS, every process on 32-bit has its own virtual address space that enables having a tendency to up to 4 gigabytes of memory. On the other hand, every process on 64-bit  has a virtual address space of 8 terabytes. All threads of a process can get to its virtual address space. Nevertheless, threads can't get to memory that has a place with another process, which shields a process from being corrupted by another process.

Linux memory management subsystem is mindful, as the name suggests, for dealing with the memory in the framework. This incorporates implemnetation of virtual memory and request paging, memory allocation both for kernel internal structures and user space programms, mapping of documents into procedures address space and numerous other sophisticated things.

Process Management

Operation System must allot sources to program's processes or procedure, facilitate procedures  to share and interchange data, keep safe the sources of each procedure from different procedures and facilitate synchronization among procedures. 

To meet these stipulations, the Operation System must keep up a data composition or structure for each procedure, which portrays the state and sources responsibility for process, and which facilitate the operation system to apply control over every procedure. 

A multiprogramming OS or Operation System which is performing various tasks  is a system that executing numerous procedures simultaneously. Multiprogramming necessitates that the processor be dispensed to each procedure for a timeframe and de-allotted at a proper time. 

In the event that the processor is de-assigned amid the execution of a procedure, it must be done so that it tends to be restarted later as effectively as could reasonably be expected. Well all of explained above is called scheduling.

Device Management

An Operating System oversees device communication or connection to each others by means of their separate drivers. 

The way toward controlling with the execution, functioning and maintenance of a physical or virtual device is called Device Management. It is a term that incorporates different administrative tools and procedures for the support and upkeep of a computing , network or communication, mobile and additionally virtual gadgets. 

Devices generally allude to physical gadgets, for example, personal computer (PC), Laptop, servers, smart-phones and more. They could likewise be virtual, nonetheless, for example, virtual machines or virtual switches. In Windows, device management is additionally an administrative module that is utilized for overseeing or arranging the physical devices, ports and interfaces of a PC or server.

It does the accompanying functioning for device management like below : 
·       Keeps tracks all devices or peripheral devices considered. Program in charge of this assignment is called I/O controller.
·       Chooses which process gets the device when and for how long.
·       Assign the device in the orderly way.
·       De-assigns devices.
·       When you get new PC or laptop, OS will install device and component-level-drivers and related program so you can use your keyboard, touchpad, etc. Few of peripheral devices need it's driver installed manually by user.
·       Arranging a device so it executes the packaged OS, business application and additionally with other equipment devices.
·       Performing security standards and procedures.

File Management

A File System is regularly sorted out into directories(in windows you call it folders but in linux you call it directories) for simple navigation and use. These directories may have records, files and different headings. 

An Operating System does the accompanying functioning for file management :
·       Monitors data, area, utilizes, status and so forth are frequently known as filesystem.
·       Chooses who gets the sources.
·       Assigns the sources.
·       De-assigns the Sources.
·       incorporates the way toward making, changing and erasing files


By methods for password and comparable different method, it anticipates unapproved access to softwares and information.


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