
Showing posts from July, 2017

Algorithms and Programming Languages : How to implement algorithm in some programming languages?

Algorithms and Programming Languages : How to implement algorithm in some programming languages? Consider the following example algorithm used to decompress the contents of array X (i) as below: The above algorithm consists of instructions. Although the instructions are written in codes close to computer programming languages, but the computer can not understand and execute those instructions. Computers can only understand if the instruction is written in a language called programming language. Here is given example of some programming languages as implementation of the above algorithm: It appears that the instructions in the Algorithm are intentionally made close to the instructions used in the programming language. So if it has been written the algorithm to solve a problem, then we can easily convert algorithm into form of programming language.
Algorithms and Programming Languages: What is Algorithm The algorithm, in essence, is the flow of thought in completing a work which is poured in written form that can be understood by others. What is emphasized here is the flow of thought. A person's flow of thinking can be different from that of other people's minds to accomplish the same job with the same outcome. In the learning algorithm, it is planned that the one who will carry out the first flow is the computer. Computers are designed to be able to execute commands given by humans. The command can be given in the form of a set of instructions called programs. The program is written in a language called programming language such as COBOL Language, Basic Language, Pascal Language, C Language, Java Language, and many other languages. Of the many programming languages, the instruction writing can be the same, almost the same, completely different, for the same purpose. From the description above, can be under...

7 Layer OSI

The Seven OSI Layer 7 OSI Layer is a network architectural model developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) body in Europe in 1977. OSI has an extension, namely: Open System Inter Connection which is a collection of Layers that are not interdependent but are related to each other Others, the intent of the statement is that each Layer already has their respective Duties and Responsibilities and Mutual Fill each other, and the same as a Group cooperation. Seven OSI Layer has 2 levels layer Function of each Layer Physical Layers  : Functions for determining network transmission media, signaling methods, bit synchronization, network architecture, network topology and cabling. Devices that can be connected with the Physical layer are the NIC (Network Interface Card) and the cables. DataLink Layer : This works to determine how data bits are grouped into a format called frames. In this Layer there are error correction, flow c...

Difference Between http and https

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) HT TP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used by WWW (World Wide Web). HTTP defines how a message can be formatted and sent from server to client. HTTP also controls what actions to be taken by web servers and web browsers in response to commands in this HTTP protocol. The problem with HTTP is that communication is not fully secure. Information we send to websites such as contact information can be easily retrieved by third parties. For example, it is not advisable to transact on the Internet and banking affairs, as the packets sent using this protocol are not encrypted, so they are considered less secure. A session on HTTP is a sequence of request transactions and a network response by using the HTTP protocol. An HTTP client will start a request. The client will open a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection to a specified port on a host (usually port 80 or 8080) server listening on port 80 will wait for client reques...

Understanding Protocol and Standard in Networking : Part 2 - What is standard ?

Understanding Protocol and Standard in Networking : Part 2 - What is standard  ? A standard is an agreed protocol. In the early days of computer networking, each computer manufacturer built its own network protocol. As a result, you will not be able to connect equipment that comes from different manufacturers in one network. Then comes the standard to save us from such an event. Standard is the definition of a protocol used by many other industries but not tied to a particular manufacturer. Given the standards, we all use network tools from different manufacturers on one network. As long as the tools are used to implement standard protocols, they can communicate with each other. Many organizations are involved in setting standards on the network. But there are five organizations that are important : American National Standards Institute (ANSI): The official standardization organization that exists in the United States. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Eng...

Understanding Protocol and Standard in Networking - Part 1

Understanding Protocol and Standard in Networking - Part 1 A protocol is a collection of rules that make communication work effectively. Almost every day we meet protocols. For example, when you buy rice at the nearest supermarket with a debit card, the cashier will tell you the total price you have to pay. You swipe the debit card in the card reader and insert a 6 digit pin. Then the machine processes our purchase whether validating the purchase or not, depending on the amount of remaining balance. If the balance is sufficient then the purchase is successful and the machine will print the proof of payment. In addition to the above example, here's another example of using protocols in our everyday lives: making phone calls. In doing so, almost all of the set call protocols we have done, and quite complicated also if look it carefully: When you pick up the phone, you will hear a tone dial (before long phone call) (unless you use the phone, the long tone dial w...

Things To Do Aflter Install Linux

After successfully installing Linux, you are actually required to update Linux system files. But it can be done as you wish, when, where, is up to you. 1. Check For Update Now that we've added all those new sources, even if they've already popped up of their own accord. sudo apt-get update 2. Upgrade Packages Now that we have finished adding things to get updates from and secured them, it's time to update what you already have. sudo apt-get upgrade 3. Major Upgrades Some updates are bigger than others. This command is for the huge ones. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 4. install the media player Some linux distro already installed media player but less than maximum. So install some of these media players. sudo apt-get install smplayer vlc So when you are connected to the internet, do not forget to run the above command. But if it's not done it's okay, it all depends on you.

What is Java ?

What is Java ?  Java is a programming language as well as a platform. And java is a high level programming language, powerful (for java error), safe. Then what is platform? Platform is a hardware or software environment where the program runs. Java has its own Java Runtime Environment platform. Below is an example listing code in java. Just an example, an explanation of what is meant in the coding below will be explained in the next post. Then the question, where can we use java? Based on the explanation from Sun, there are 3 billion devices that can run java. So java is used in many devices, for example its use like this: Desktop application like acrobat reader, media player, anti virus , and so on Web application like  Enterprise application or can be said an application whish is used by big company Mobile like Android Embedded System Smart card  Robotic Game ,and so on There are 4 main types of applications that can be ...

About Linux

Linux is the name given to the Unix-type computer operating system. Linux is one example of the results of the development of free software and open source main. Like other free and open source software in general, Linux source code can be modified, used and redistributed freely by anyone. The name "Linux" comes from the manufacturer's name, which was introduced in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. The system, system equipment and libraries are generally derived from the GNU operating system, announced in 1983 by Richard Stallman. GNU's contribution is the basis for the emergence of the GNU / Linux alternative name. Linux has long been known for its use on servers, and is supported by renowned computer companies such as Intel, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Novell, Oracle Corporation, Red Hat and Sun Microsystems. Linux is used as an operating system on a wide variety of computer hardware, including desktop computers, supercomputers, and embedded systems such as elec...

First Step and Wellcome

Hello world !!! this blog is a gate where we want to share our knowledge and experience. We ? yes, this blog is written by two people who have interest in networking and programming. As for programming, I tried to converged in all many programming language as possible but the main focus programming is java. Not only I ’ll write some theory about programming in certain language but I’ll share source code too. That way you will increase your understanding towards programming. Discussing and suggestion are things we more appreciate. And last thing, you can request some program in  which perhaps we can come up too. Thank you hope you will enjoy this journey in this shore ;)